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We open the doors to success for anyone with the spirit and desire to make a better life as a professional. Associates are rewarded with one of the industry’s most robust compensation plans on a diversified product portfolio. As you advance through our ranks and build your business, you have the opportunity to earn more money while helping more people.

Unlike most careers that only have 1 or 2 ways to get paid, FinFit Life is revolutionary.

Stability of income is created through multiple streams of compensation provided by one of the most competitive compensation plans available today.  This is not commission only! 
There are many ways to earn income with Finfit,  but the two most important are personal and profit sharing income.  Plus multiple bonuses on a pro-rata share of our entire company's paid compensation, not to mention real Equity Interest (ownership options!) 

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Every time you help a client and write new business, you earn a commission. As you earn promotions, your commission percentage increases.  This includes clients that you simply refer to a licensed expert (even if you are not present or available.)

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Meet the Jones family. Marc and Mary Jones have two kids, Johnny and Lisa. They don't have any life insurance and no retirement savings, just a small savings account at the bank. They'd like to purchase coverage to protect their kids and start saving for the long term.They are both in good health.

​You are in an entry level probationary Associate position. You help set them up each with a $500,000 30 Year Term policy and a $250,000, hybrid tax free savings and protection, IUL program.

Total Monthly Amount: $200*
Total Yearly Amount: $2,400

Yearly Amount ($2,400) X Position (Associate 30%) = Total Initial Compensation $720

If you help 1 family per week like the Jones's your monthly income would be $2,880 = $34,560 in a year extra, extremely part-time. 

​*Hypothetical monthly amount. It may be more or less depending on the client's age, health and background.

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As a team is built of part-time and full-time associates, you'll have the opportunity to earn a portion of the overall compensation when agents assist clients with new business.  

This is the "Ultimate in Stability of Income!"

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Using the example above, let's assume you have a team of 

4 additional agents that each help a family per week the same way you helped the Jones family. In this example you are a 

Director at an 65% contract. The difference between their compensation  and your compensation  is called the override spread /profit sharing.

Your override on an entry level Referral Associate is 35% and 25% on a Advisor. Assuming each of your agents you supervise help 1 family per week contribute $200 in program as above, including yourself. Below is the breakdown on override spread /profit sharing.

  • Personal Production:  $6,240

  • Override on Associate 1: $2,400

  • Override on Associate 2: $2,400

  • Override on Tr. Associate: 1 $3,360

  • Override on Tr. Associate: 2 $3,360

  • Total Overrides: $11,520

Total Initial Compensation Earned: $17,760 


Question is can you build a team of 4 people and yourself that are capable of serving 1 family per week?  


This does not include additional sales, diversified products or the many other ways we get paid like bonuses, renewals, trails just to name a few.  True passive, residual income awaits for you.


Hurry up and become an Director and you're on track to a multiple six figure income. 


©2018 by TeamLIVE.

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