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No Family Left Behind

Health, Wealth and the Lifestyle to enjoy them. We believe everyone should have access to information and resources that help families secure their financial futures and be healthy. Our mantra and philosophy is a simple one. No Family Left Behind. This is at the core of what we believe as a team and organization. So as you begin your journey remember #NFLB and start by not leaving your own family behind. 


Now that you have made the decision to become an entrepreneur in a potentially new industry for yourself, it is important to put yourself in a position to learn and grow. Negativity and criticism from others will come.  Sometimes from those closest to you.  Friends and especially family members can be critics, but also great supporters.


Try not to answer questions from your loved ones until you have the right answers.  

We call it the "Scenario of Disaster". Your enthusiasm peeks your loved ones interest.  They ask you questions.  You answer wrong because of incomplete information.  And your loved ones jump to conclusions and the result is failure.  


Many people do not succeed because they take bad advice from people they shouldn't listen to.  Follow your intuition and what you want personally and professionally.  


Feed your hunger to win and do not compromise your vision in the face of criticism.  Reach out to your trainers and mentors when you hit roadblocks.  


Know we run a simple, but effective system that guarantees your success if you stay coachable and follow the system.





Get connected to our team's communication tool "WhatsApp"

Make sure to check the app regularly throughout the day for important information, announcements and special recognition items.


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Get your facts from the right people and places. Follow our great leaders and examples of business entrepreneurship. 

ED MYLETT  - Mentor and Coach

Ed Mylett is one of the top business leaders and peak performance experts in the world today.

He’s been named one of the Top 50 wealthiest under 50, and is the youngest person ever named to the Presidents National Leadership Advisory Board.

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Greg Kapp - Mentor and Coach

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Set a time with your trainer and put a plan of attack that can be executed immediately. 

Most importantly, begin field training as soon as possible.  The faster you can watch and observe our mission and cause at work the sooner you become unstoppable.

Complete Your Own Financial Needs Analysis 
What are your financial goals? It's important to review, evaluate and implement a suitable plan to help you achieve your goals. Make sure your benefits are in place and you are on a solid foundation to create your own wealth. We do not want hypocrites for they never win in business.  Bottom line, make sure you become wealthy first.

Study and pass your state license

Focus all your attention on passing the simple 100-question exam with the exam simulator as soon as possible. The license is the key to unlocking unlimited stable and passive income. 


Develop a Solid Database
Put together a database, an inventory of individuals that can provide you feedback, benefit from your experience and those that can be a great source of referrals. In doing so we can prepare a VGO - Your personal "Virtual Grand Opening. " 

Start Field Training
Field training is a core component of our business. It allows you to learn firsthand what we can do for families. Match up with your trainer and complete your 10 training appointments to get your certification.
Attend All Big Events & Seminars
​Inviting friends and family to an event is a simple way to get the word out. Leverage the experience and expertise of individuals to present our vision and mission to others. ​Most importantly, it is critical that you personally never miss a big event.  



Learn more about our company, our services and our mission.


©2018 by TeamLIVE.

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